This privacy policy explains how we collect, use and protect your personally identifiable information (PII) through In terms of information security and US privacy law, PII is information that can be used to identify, locate or contact an individual person.

Types of Information Collected

You may be asked to enter your name, address, email address, phone number or other details to allow us to fulfill your order or process your request.

When Information Is Collected

We collect information from you when you place a request, subscribe to our email list, respond to a survey, browse the website or enter other information on our site.

How We Use the Information

We may use the information you provide us with to process your request and to send you periodic emails about service and product updates.

How We Protect Your Information

Your personal information is only accessible by a limited number of people who have administrative access needed to process your order. These team members are required to keep our customers’ information confidential.

All sensitive information you provide to us is safely encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL). Your transaction information is not stored or processed on our servers. All transactions are processed through a secure gateway provider.

Use of “Cookies”

This website uses Cookies, which are small files that transfer from a website to your computer’s hard drive if you allow them to do so. Cookies allow the website or the service provider’s systems to recognize your browser and remember some information.

We use cookies to help us remember and process the items in your shopping cart, as well as to understand your preferences and improve our services for you. We also use cookies to help compile general data about our website traffic and usage to help us improve the site experience and tools in the future. We may use trusted third-party services to track this information on our behalf.

You may choose to turn off all cookies, which is done through your browser settings. Doing so will disable some features that make a more efficient site experience, but you will still be able to place an order.

Third-Party Disclosure

We will not sell, trade or transfer your personally identifiable information to outside parties without providing advance notice. Information may be made available to our partners and other parties who assist us with managing our website, operating our business and serving our website users. These partners agree to keep the information confidential. Information may also be released to comply with the law, to enforce website policies or to protect someone’s rights, property or safety.

Non-personally identifiable website visitor information (aggregate data) may be provided to other parties for the purposes of advertising, marketing or other uses.

Google Ads and Analytics

We use Google Ads to advertise our website. As a third-party vendor, Google uses cookies to serve ads to people who have previously visited our site and other websites. This process is called remarketing. You may learn more about Google’s use of cookies in advertising here:

We also use Google Analytics, which compiles aggregate data on website usage, demographics and interests.

Opting Out

Users may opt out of Google advertising or change their preferences for how Google advertises to them by visiting the Google Marketing Opt-Out Page or by going to the Network Advertising Initiative Opt-Out Page.

California Online Privacy Protection Act

CalOPPA is a state law requiring commercial websites and online services to include a privacy policy on their site. In compliance with CalOPPA, we agree that:
• Users may visit our site anonymously
• This privacy policy will be linked to either our home page or the first significant page after entering our website
• The link to our privacy policy contains the word “privacy” and can easily be found on our site as indicated above.
• You will be notified via email of any changes to our privacy policy. You may change your personal information by emailing us or by logging into your account.

Do Not Track Signals

We honor Do Not Track (DNT) signals, and do not plant cookies, track or use advertising when a DNT browser mechanism is in place.

Third-Party Behavioral Tracking

We allow third-party behavioral tracking.

COPPA (Children Online Privacy Protection Act)

We do not market specifically to children under the age of 13 years old.

Fair Information Practices

In accordance with Fair Information Practice Principles, we will notify you within 7 business days should a data breach occur.

We also agree to the individual Redress Principle, which states that individuals have the right to pursue legally enforceable rights against data processors and collectors who fail to adhere to the law. This principle also requires that individuals have recourse through courts or government agencies who may investigate and/or prosecute non-compliance of data processors.


We collect your email address for the purposes of responding to inquiries, requests and questions; to process orders and send updates about their status; to send you additional information related to our products and services. This may include marketing to subscribers on our email list or sending emails to our customers after the original transaction has occurred.

In accordance with CAN-SPAM, we agree we will not use any false or misleading subject lines or email addresses in our communications. We will reasonable identify that the message is an advertisement, and we will include the physical address of our business. We will also monitor third-party email marketing services, if used, for compliance with CAN-SPAM. We will provide a link in each email that users may follow to unsubscribe, and we will honor opt-out and unsubscribe requests quickly.

If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from receiving future emails, you may follow the link at the bottom of each email and we will promptly remove you from receiving any future messages.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, you may contact us as follows:

Maximum Pest Management
[email protected]
Last edited January 29, 2021